Timbre of a TimeFree Mind

Kevin and Darren live in Portland Oregon and are a gay, committed couple. We believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all...regardless of sexual orientation, gender, race, nationality, financial status, and being. Erase man-made borders and "they" become "we". New Site: HERE.

Tuesday, July 27


Home today...Dental blues

It is very unsettling to look at a hand-held mirror when most of your front teeth are out of your head (personal experience- yesterday afternoon). The dentist and his assistant had to pull fairly hard to get my bridge out (it was 22 years old) and then proceeded to grind down what was underneath (with a root canal) and put in a temporary setting. It's great what can be done (cosmetic-wise) but there is no great improvement as far as the actual procedure is concerned. Thank G_d for numbing injections but they hurt like hell too. It's almost like you need something to numb.... to help with the numbing injections.

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