Timbre of a TimeFree Mind

Kevin and Darren live in Portland Oregon and are a gay, committed couple. We believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all...regardless of sexual orientation, gender, race, nationality, financial status, and being. Erase man-made borders and "they" become "we". New Site: HERE.

Wednesday, August 18


Masculine spirituality

Franciscan priest, Richard Rohr (1992) says that “a masculine spirituality would be one that encourages men to take the radical gospel journey from their unique beginning point, in their own unique style, with their own unique goals – without doubt or apology or imitation of their sisters (or mother). That takes immense courage and self-possession. Such a man has life for others and knows it.

He does not need to push, intimidate or play the power games common to other men because he possesses his power with surety and calm confidence. He is not opinionated or arrogant, but he knows. He is not needy or bothered by status symbols because he is. He does not need monogrammed briefcases and underwear, his identity is settled and secure - and within. He possesses his soul and does not give it lightly to corporations, armies, nation-states or the acceptable collective thinking.”

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