Timbre of a TimeFree Mind

Kevin and Darren live in Portland Oregon and are a gay, committed couple. We believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all...regardless of sexual orientation, gender, race, nationality, financial status, and being. Erase man-made borders and "they" become "we". New Site: HERE.

Friday, August 27


Mr. Darren speaks

Hello Everyone!

Okay…I have been giving this a great deal of thought lately. Don't groan! It is important that I share with you a concern and plea. I know it is long, but please read it for my sake.
This note was prompted by a conversation that I had with my Mom, Dad and my older Brother two weekends ago. Normally, I would not engage in a political discussion with anyone, let alone family, for fear of offending someone. The odd thing was, I sat there, not offended, but dumbfounded by what I was hearing. I quit talking or trying to express my thoughts because they were completely counter to what I was hearing.

Some questions to consider. Does it concern you that the current Bush/Cheney Administration is in favor of amending the US constitution to "defend church sanctioned marriages"? I am your son and brother. Do you see the impact this will have on me and my relationship with Kevin and my life? Do you realize, as my family, how hard it is to have an open relationship since the change in the ruling party? Dick Cheney, who has a Lesbian daughter, will not even speak out at the absurdity of the efforts by the far right to amend the constitution. Laura Bush and Lynn Cheney, the wives, are not better. Do your marriages feel threatened because I want the same recognition?

I am not saying the John Kerry and John Edwards are better leaders than the Bush/Cheney team. I preferred having the Republicans in office during 9/11. However, the Bush/Cheney Team was the primary architects, along with Tom Ridge and John Ashcroft of the Homeland Security Act and the Patriot Act. They have been quoted bragging about how the Homeland Security and Patriot Act changes will finally roll back liberties for Americans. Let me be your "poster boy" for roll backs. I'll let you know how the roll backs have affected my life as a Gay man. I readily admit that I have Republican leanings, but I will not support individuals that are about taking away my rights, not protecting them.

I cannot predict how Kerry/Edwards would do as our next leadership Team. What I can predict, is that my individuals rights would not be threatened. Do you think I am kidding when I have said that Kevin and I would consider moving to Canada? It is pretty bad when I have to think of moving to another country to feel safe. I am not sure that you can understand that feeling…please try.

So, what I am asking is that you please, please, consider me and my life when you are voting. I am your up close and personal example of a Gay person. I never have to know, and really don't want to know, how you ended up voting. You have to live with your choices, your vote. Consider the message you are sending though...I would never think to ask any of you to vote a certain way, until now.

For Mom and Dad, voting in Oregon; please, please vote NO on Measure 36. The measure amends the "Oregon Constitution to declare that the policy of the State of Oregon and its political subdivisions is that 'only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or legally recognized as a marriage.'" The measure is about taking away rights, not protecting them. Church doctrine should not be driving our legislative process for its own gain. Marriages are between the government and the couples, not the government, couples and Church. Gay and Lesbian couples are not asking for special rights. We are asking for the right to have our unions recognized, legalized and protected. This is about civil rights not church morality.
I love all of you! You are my family! The ones that I have always counted on to understand.


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